OCD and My Performance


Ok, so, after rewinding and reconsidering my ideas, I’ve got a new idea for my performance. At first, I took up the Spalding Gray approach where I was sat at a table and spoke about a day in the life me and how hard it was compared to a ‘normal’ person. This included my habits at breakfast, at work and relationships with my family.

But to elaborate more on this and to further my performance associated with OCD and a display of habits and in the style of Spalding Gray, I would be addressing the audience as a matter of talking about/addressing the problem I have/had with those who don’t think that having OCD is a massive problem. My habits would be portrayed through a recollection of memories associated with those whom I have had problems with in the past. Habits could include repetition, e.g. repetition of certain phrases a certain number of times.

This would be me as a person with OCD (although I don’t have it) speaking out about how annoying and/or hurtful it can be to be told that OCD ‘isn’t difficult to get over’, for example.


My performance has changed from this previous idea, not dramatically as it is still showing habits associated with OCD. However, it’s more as though I am giving a talk about the subject of OCD. It will be almost exactly 12 minutes as I will have an alarm clock on the table that I will be sat at (Spalding Gray influence) that will go off after 12 minutes. Whether I’m in the middle of speaking or not, when it goes off, I’ll just walk out or announce that the talk is over and then tell the audience to leave.

With more influence from Spalding Gray, I intend to tell stories that may feel as though they are off tangent slightly. But to take more of an influence from Gray as well, the way I’m talking should be quick when I deliver the stories I’m telling.

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