What’s The Name Of My Performance?

The answer to that is: BNAG: OCD AND ME.


Why Bnag?

That would be because it is ‘bang’ out of order.

Oh, ok. What’s the relation to that and OCD?

Well, considering that bnag is bang out of order, literally the word bang out of order. The relation here is that it is a common stereotype that people with OCD like to have things in order, thus, bnag. It’s all part of word play, especially if you’ve seen Tim Vine. I wanted to take a relatively light-hearted approach to the title, after all, I’ve taken what can be a serious topic and brought an air of light heartedness to my performance.

It’s very important to take a subject such as OCD and approach it with a light hearted tone as no one wants to see a performance that’s incredibly serious about a serious topic, something that the video I linked in my previous post about habits associated with OCD does. It is also really useful when there are other sources, such as this video, take a light hearted approach to a serious topic.

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