
Within my performance, I don’t intend to use many props, perhaps just the one. The one prop I am considering using is a notebook that my character would have things written down in. Things such as:

  • Lists
  • Important pieces of information, e.g. phone numbers, addresses
  • Names of places that my character might find interesting
  • A whole amount of items that my character may find interesting
  • Facts and figures of random subjects, e.g. populations of cities, the names of football teams whose kits have the colour red on it.

I also feel that if my character is to have a journal or a notebook that they carry around with them, then this can mean that he has things written down in it that would be important to him in his everyday life. However, I envisage that my character would have lots of notebooks, not necessarily with him, but perhaps past notebooks stacked up at home. This could even be part of the staging, to have a stack of older notebooks somewhere on the stage and I could even pick one up at times and read from it. I would, thinking about it, perhaps like other props that could be dotted around the stage that would be relevant to my character and the performance, but I wouldn’t want to crowd the space, however.

I think that I may have a bag with me that I’ll be carrying my current notebook in, therefore during the performance, I can pull it out and read off the names of the football teams whose shirt have red on, for example. For now, I think I may need to consider what props I would want on stage, and if they would be surplus to requirement or not.

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