Staging Idea

This picture depicts my ideal staging. It’s rather simple, but it’s how I like it. The idea behind a grid system was from when I was researching about those with OCD and Asperger’s and I discovered that it’s very hard for those with OCD to step on cracks, particularly those in the street. So I […]

Script – Updated

Although in my previous post I mentioned that I wouldn’t be sticking directly to my script, the following is my updated script: I saw 8 red cars on the way here; that means it’s going to be a good day. Red is my favourite colour and if I see an even amount of red cars, […]

Simon Callow and My Influences

As a solo performer, or actor, I think that Simon Callow would be a good influence for myself in terms of my performance. As Callow is more of a solo actor than an artist, I feel he would be great example for myself. Callow normally performs his solo pieces from a text/script that he has […]

Early Script Ideas

The following is my first idea for a script that I will roughly stick to for my performance: I saw 8 red cars on the way here; that means it’s going to be a good day. Red is my favourite colour and if I see an even amount of red cars, it’s a good day, […]

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time

The character of  Christopher Boone in The Curiouts Incident of the Dog in the Night Time will be my main inspiration for my performance. I want to create a character that is similar to Christopher as I find that his character is very interesting. Christopher has a lot of quirks that many people wouldn’t consider ‘normal’. But […]